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What is your fee?

My fee is currently $200 per hour.  In certain situations, a sliding scale may be available.


How long will I have to go to therapy?

There is no general answer to this question.  I find that for focused, specific needs, short term therapy can be effective.  For working on more significant changes, however, the process may be more long-term.  The length of time required for therapy is extremely personal, and something we can talk about as we begin to work together.

Have you ever had any legal issues in regards to your practice?

No.  I am committed to highly ethical standards, and adhere to these closely.
Do you ever see people more than once a week?
Yes.  Some people come to therapy more than once a week for a variety of reasons.  As we begin working together and get a sense of your needs, we can talk together to get a sense of the frequency of sessions that will work best for you.

Are you on any insurance panels?

I am not currently affiliated with any insurance panels.  If you have out-of-network provider coverage, I'm happy to provide you with a statement for proof of services for you to obtain reimbursement for your sessions. 

If session costs are prohibiting you from participating in treatment, a discussion of fee reduction is warranted. 

What is your theoretical orientation?

From my experience, I believe that real and lasting change occurs not simply when we change our behaviors, but when we understand more fully what our behaviors express about our internal conflicts, relational dynamics, and deepest wishes.  And, much of the time, our most problematic behaviors are motivated by things within us that are not fully clear.  Because of this, I honor the reality of the unconscious component of psychological life and have integrated many aspects of modern, relational psychoanalytic thinking and theory. 


Making what is unconscious conscious is key for giving one true agency and mastery over one's self and one's choices.  This is accessed through free association, relational dynamics in the transference, dreams, and links that occur as sessions unfold.  Integrating this information with concrete behavioral observations and goals can provide a powerful format for significant change. 

How long will each session take?

Sessions are always 50 minutes in length.

Do you meet with people via phone sessions or video conferencing?

Yes, I currently only offer video conferencing or phone sessions, and am not offering regular in-person sessions. 

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